Recognition process, steps of immigration, and preparatory qualification measures.

Qualified and comprehensive knowledge transfer in the field of medicine, healthcare professions, and nursing sciences, as well as specialized medical terminology in German for healthcare professionals.

Recognition process, steps of immigration, and preparatory qualification measures.

Germany welcomes foreign doctors!

There is a significant shortage of skilled workers in the healthcare sector.

  • 40,000 to 70,000 open positions for doctors.

We offer you a step-by-step guidance for the recognition process of foreign professional qualifications, as well as qualified courses required for full professional integration in Germany.

  • Step 1

    The collection and analysis of documents to determine equivalency and assess immigration opportunities and employment eligibility. For the analysis, we require: educational and professional diplomas, work record, and curriculum vitae (electronic copies of documents).

  • Step 2
    German language certificate and job offer

    For obtaining a temporary professional permit, proof of German language skills at least at B2 level or higher is required. You can submit an existing certificate if you obtained it within the last 6 months or take a certification exam: Goethe Certificate, Telc, TestDaF, ÖSD, DSD, DSH.

    A job offer in Germany is a crucial component of the recognition application. Your potential employer in Germany must provide a binding job offer, and the employment conditions and contract need to be reviewed for compliance with legal requirements by the employment agency in advance.

    While you focus on acquiring the necessary language skills, we will assist you in finding the suitable clinic or medical facility and support you throughout the application process.

    After immigrating to Germany, you will need to undergo a specialized language examination (Fachsprachprüfung, FSP) to obtain the temporary professional permit. We recommend preparing for the exam in advance either independently or with the help of our online education platform.

  • Step 3
    Application for granting the professional license (Approbation)

    Preparation of the required documents for the application at the recognition authority (electronic copies of documents are required). The preparation includes collecting apostilled diplomas and certificates, obtaining a job offer from the clinic, preparing the application and other necessary documents. Once all the documents are collected, we will submit the application along with attachments to the recognition authority for further evaluation.

  • Step 4
    Issuance of the visa and entry into Germany

    The response from the recognition authority takes approximately 2-4 months. After receiving a positive decision from the recognition authority, you will be issued a visa for 6-18 months and can move to Germany. However, the decision from the recognition authority may vary.

    The profession can be fully recognized immediately (equivalency recognition) or a deficit decision may be issued.

  • Step 5
    Taking the specialized language examination (Fachsprachprüfung, FSP) and obtaining the temporary professional permit

    After receiving a positive decision, the recognition authority will schedule the date for the specialized language examination (Fachsprachprüfung, FSP). Upon successfully passing the FSP, you will be granted a temporary professional permit for 6-12 months, allowing you to start working as a resident physician in a specific clinic. While working with the temporary professional permit, you will receive a salary according to the collective bargaining agreement.

  • Step 6
    Obtaining the professional license (Approbation)

    When working with the professional permit, you need to prepare and take the knowledge examination, which includes questions at the level of the state examination of the medical university.

    Taking the knowledge examination requires extensive and lengthy preparation.

    Preparing for the knowledge examination requires extensive and lengthy preparation. We recommend preparing for the knowledge examination in advance, either independently or with the help of our online education platform.

Recognition - Doctors Recognition - Doctors

Профессии с перспективой на будущее!

В связи с высоким качеством жизни в Германии большинству населения удается сохранить свое здоровье до глубокой старости. Это приводит к тому, что по мере роста продолжительности жизни общество постепенно стареет, а значит, все острее ощущается потребность в профессиональных и базовых медицинских услугах. При этом все меньше молодых людей, получивших медицинское образование, работает по специальности. 

Больницы, дома престарелых и другие учреждения по уходу за пациентами постоянно ищут медицинский персонал для удовлетворения потребности системы здравоохранения в квалифицированных кадрах. Ожидается, что в ближайшие годы спрос будет только продолжать расти. 

Вы хотите стать частью стабильной системы здравоохранения Германии? Тогда мы расскажем Вам, как начать перспективную карьеру в сфере медперсонала в Германии, с гарантированным будущем для Вас и Вашей семьи!

Обязанности в сфере ухода

Как медсестра/медбрат (санитар/медицинский персонал), вы будете заботиться о людях на всех этапах их жизни, в том числе:

  • Общий уход за пациентами
  • Сестринское дело
  • Ассистирование в больнице
  • Уход за престарелыми

В обязанности специалиста в области сестринского дела входит наблюдение, консультирование и уход за пациентами в стационарных или амбулаторных условиях. В зависимости от специализации и квалификации, в число обязанностей могут входить документирование и оценка медицинских задач, выполнение указаний врача и оказание медицинской помощи. Также, как специалист по уходу за пациентами, вы являетесь компетентным контактным лицом, с которым могут связаться родственники.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions:

How long does immigration to Germany take?

On average, it takes 6 to 11 months until immigration to Germany, and an additional 6 months for the final recognition of professional qualifications and commencement of employment as a skilled worker.

Can I immigrate to Germany with my family?

Yes, after successful recognition and commencement of employment, the German federal government allows you to apply for family reunification. Spouses and children are also eligible to immigrate to Germany in the future.

Can my application be rejected?

The service "Consultation" includes a comprehensive analysis of documents and an assessment of the feasibility of immigration to Germany in the specific case.
If there are any obstacles, we will inform you in advance.

Each recognition process is unique, therefore the dates, procedures, and employment conditions are determined on an individual basis.

What is a "Defizitbescheid"?

So-called deficits are differences between your professional qualification and the state-regulated qualification awarded in Germany for the respective profession.
After processing the recognition application, the recognition authority issues a "Defizitbescheid" (deficit notification) for the skilled worker.

The deficits consist of a specific number of hours in clinical practice and/or theory.
The healthcare professional can compensate for these deficits in two ways: either by participating in a theory-practice course as part of an adaptation course or by taking an oral examination.

For doctors and academic professions from non-EU countries, the oral examination is usually required in most cases.

Preparation for the oral examination requires careful and time-intensive preparation. We recommend that you prepare in advance on your own or with the help of a suitable course on our online education platform.

What factors determine the possibilities of an employment relationship?

The possibility of employment depends on several factors: possession of a medical professional qualification recognized in your country, your proficiency in German and specialized language skills, and the regional demand for your profession in Germany.

Is a job interview mandatory?

Yes, a job interview is mandatory. After the job interview, employers can assess whether you are suitable for the internship/clinical observation and a potential employment relationship. Depending on the selected clinic, we can conduct the job interview partially online and prior to your arrival in Germany.

What job opportunities can I find in German hospitals?

The availability of job opportunities in hospitals depends on the actual shortage of skilled professionals in your field. The most in-demand healthcare professionals in Germany currently include registered nurses in inpatient hospitals and geriatric nurses in nursing homes and elderly care facilities.

What level of German language proficiency should I have?

For working as a doctor in Germany, good knowledge of the German language in everyday situations is required. The minimum level at which you can start working is B2.

What documents do I need for the recognition process?

For the recognition process, you will need the following documents: application form, curriculum vitae, German language certificate (B2 level), diplomas, and possibly further training certificates, as well as other official documents (such as identity card, etc.). We will prepare the complete package of documents together with the candidates according to the current requirements of the hospitals and the recognition authority of the respective federal state.

What minimum salary can I expect as a doctor?

The minimum salary for a junior doctor without professional experience is €4,512. The salary depends on the collective agreements of the respective hospital and may vary.

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